
Sask Crop Report For the Period June 21 to June 27, 2016

government of SKThe majority of crops are in good to excellent condition and at their normal stage of development, according to Saskatchewan Agriculture’s weekly Crop Report. Due to favourable growing conditions, 27 per cent of the spring wheat, 43 per cent of the durum, 26 per cent of the canola, 41 per cent of the lentils, 38 per cent of the peas and 22 per cent of the chickpeas are in excellent condition. Approximately 25 per cent of the pulses, oilseeds and spring cereals are ahead of their normal stage of development for this time of year. Almost all areas of the province reported rain over the past week, with many areas reporting more than 30 mm. The greatest amount of precipitation fell in the Lampman area, where 89 mm was recorded. Click link to finish reading this article.  http://www.saskatchewan.ca/business/agriculture-natural-resources-and-industry/agribusiness-farmers-and-ranchers/agricultural-programs-and-services/statistics-for-farmers-and-agribusiness/crops-statistics/crop-report